25. October 2021

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Landbell Group to speak at biggest conference on reducing plastic waste

On 10-11 November 2021, the 2nd Plastic Free World Conference & Expo will take place in Cologne, Germany. The event is directed at companies that want to reduce their plastic consumption, use more bio-based materials and build a true circular economy along their supply chain.

This year, more than 200 international speakers and over 800 attendees will come together to discuss the latest business models, strategies, material innovations and technologies that can help reduce plastic waste.

The event will provide an opportunity to discuss this topic with leading global experts from a wide range of industries. Landbell Group will also be represented.

On 10th November at 9 am, Wojciech Swietochowski, Head of Global Sales at Landbell Group, will give a presentation on the “German Packaging Act vs. Importance of Extended Producer Responsibility”. Among other topics, he will address the contribution that the German Packaging Act can make to optimizing packaging design and to building a circular economy.

To participate in the event, please register here.

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