Convince customers with innovative, sustainable packaging

The topic of sustainability is extremely important to consumers today. It’s a key factor in triggering their purchase decision.

We would like to support you in the certified testing and recycling optimisation of your packaging materials. Sustainable product design plays a key role in improving packaging recycling. We call this PACK2RECYCLE.

Consider the recyclability of your packaging right from the start: this allows us to process it into high-quality secondary raw materials using special processes after use. Together, we can save valuable resources.

Use recyclable packaging to strengthen your sustainable corporate image.

How we can help:

  • Packaging material analysis
  • Certifications
  • Individual consulting and optimisation
  • In-house workshops

Purchase packaging consulting
and optimisation conveniently online

Purchase PACK2RECYCLE modules in our Landbell Click & Comply Shop with just a few clicks. We handle everything related to your packaging.

Choose from three packages:

  • Module 1: Consultation on the recyclability of packaging
  • Module 2: Evaluation of your packaging based on the minimum standard from the Central Agency Packaging Registry (ZSVR)
  • Module 3: Certification of your packaging for recyclability

Many other products for the return of waste electrical equipment and batteries can also be found in our shop.

Check your packaging
for recyclability online
– free

Register for free with the PACK2RECYCLE online tool. This will give you a first impression of the recyclability of your packaging.

Specify the material type, colour and size, and receive a report which outlines the recyclability of your packaging.

Contact our experts now!

Landbell GmbH
Rheinstraße 4L
55116 Mainz

Phone: +49 (6131) 235652 – 0
Fax: +49 (6131) 235652 – 10