How to get the most out of your waste
Anyone who creates waste is responsible for disposing of it in an environmentally sound manner. This affects all tradespersons as waste producers and owners.
According to the Circular Economy Act (KrWG) and the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV), companies must record and recycle their waste and residual materials. This applies to all waste generated at the sites – for example, production and points of sale.
We will gladly assist you in preparing the required documentation and proof of your fulfilment of obligations.
Your benefits include:
- Precise fitting: We analyse your waste sites and develop an individual disposal concept in accordance with the requirements for resource conservation.
- Complete care: We handle the complete processing of the obligations for site disposal.
- Smooth processing: We optimise the logistical processes.
- Profit: We manage the marketing of secondary raw materials on the national and international market.
- Optimisation: we maximise your company’s recycling revenues.
Site disposal from a single source:
we handle all your commercial waste
As a company, you have to reuse, recycle or dispose of the entire range of waste in an environmentally friendly way.
The number of requirements for handling commercial waste are rising.
These include recyclables such as paper, plastics, metals or wood. Food waste or organic waste are just as much a part of this as waste from construction work or hazardous waste. Sales packaging that is generated as waste at large-scale collection points also falls under this category.
We will gladly assume these duties for you. First, we analyse your waste volume. We then develop a customised disposal concept for your material flows.
Your benefits:
- Increase the efficiency of your waste treatment.
- Reduce costs through strict sorting and collection of individual materials.
- Tap into new, profitable recycling paths.
- Take the opportunity to turn waste materials into recyclables.
We will gladly create a customised solution for you with our sister company Landbell DS Entsorgung.

Contact our experts now!
Landbell GmbH
Rheinstraße 4L
55116 Mainz
Phone: +49 (6131) 235652 – 0
Fax: +49 (6131) 235652 – 10