The complete solution for your transport waste
As an entrepreneur in industry, commerce or skilled crafts and trades, you are responsible for your transport packaging according to the German Closed Cycle and Waste Management Act.
That means you need to take these back, sort them by material, and either reuse or recycle them.
We help you to manage this immense logistical, disposal and bureaucratic effort.
Our services include:
- Developing customised disposal concepts that take the special features of your collection points into account and put them into practice.
- Settting up the required collection containers, ensuring regular emptying, managing the logistics and carrying out the recycling.
Benefits and obligations:
what you need to know
about transport waste
Transport packaging is used to protect and deliver goods. The participants of the various trade levels tend to pass these on — for example, manufacturers pass them on to the distributors.
They are designed to facilitate handling and transport and protect products from damage and weather influences. Typically, transport packaging is not intended to be passed on to the end consumer.
These consist of films, air cushions, cartons, pallets, or moulded components as well as belts. Filling materials are often included. The ultimate objective is the protection of your goods.
With the amendment to the Packaging Act in July 2021, new obligations for transport packaging came into force:
- Obligation to inform: Since 3rd July 2021, you must inform end consumers about the takeback options and their significance when the transport packaging accumulates.
- Obligation to provide proof: Since 1st January 2022, you must provide proof of compliance with the takeback and recycling requirements.
- Setting up a compliance scheme: You must also set up self-organisation measures for documentation and financial management.
We will gladly create a customised solution for you with our sister company Landbell DS Entsorgung.

Contact our experts now!
Landbell GmbH
Rheinstraße 4L
55116 Mainz
Phone: +49 (6131) 235652 – 0
Fax: +49 (6131) 235652 – 10