8. November 2021

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Another fantastic finale for ERP Poland’s eye-catching environmental campaign

Mode for Recycling is a very special initiative in which environmental protection meets fashion and art.

Polish clothes designer, Anna Kubisz invited children and teenagers to make creations from parts taken from electronic waste. In the process, the young people learned what to do with e-waste and used batteries.

“It is very important to separate waste carefully, especially the most dangerous waste to the environment, such as electronic waste,” explains Anna Kubisz. “But the most important thing is not to produce new garbage or new clothes.”

“It is said that the amount of clothes circulating in the world now is so large that it is enough for all the inhabitants of the Earth and it’s not necessary to produce new ones. The new trend is to appear in the same dress several times, change accessories, use something that you already have in the wardrobe and give a second life to clothes!”

The second edition of Mode for Recycling ended on 2 September 2021 with a star-studded fashion show. Polish theatre and TV stars showed off the beautiful eco-clothes, watched by all the young people involved in the workshops who came to see their work.

ERP Poland is grateful to Anna Kubisz for being so generous with her talent and would like to thank all the communities and cities that participated in the campaign.

“Most importantly, we would like to thank all the children and young people who worked so hard at the workshops,” acknowledged Mikolaj Józefowicz, head of ERP Poland. “We are happy that our initiative attracted so many young people. It is uplifting to see that the new generation is willing to work hard and is open to the idea of a new world based on a circular economy. We would also like to give thanks to the media who covered our project extensively.”

You can check out the fashion show – and other campaigns – on ERP Poland’s YouTube channel.

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