30. March 2022
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New obligations for online retailers, online marketplace operators and fulfillment service providers
According to the Global E-Waste Monitor 2020, a total of 53.6 million tons of e-waste was generated worldwide in 2019. Germany accounted for around 1.6 million tons of this amount. On average, each inhabitant in Germany therefore disposed of 19.4 kg of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in 2019.
Electrical appliances such as refrigerators, televisions or toasters contain valuable raw materials that can be put to good use again through appropriate recycling. However, the appliances also contain harmful components for which special disposal by a specialist is required.
Achieving a high collection and recycling rate – and returning these raw materials into the production cycle – is one of the central objectives of the German WEEE law (ElektroG).
After the ElektroG was last amended in October 2015 to “ElektroG2”, a new amendment is now pending with effect from 1st January 2022, this time to “ElektroG3”.
With the amendment, online retailers, online marketplace operators, fulfillment service providers and food retailers will have obligations which will also expand the collection and take-back network in Germany.
The legislator has also revised the legal framework for manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment.
Landbell Group company, ERP Germany has summarized the main changes are for you here (in German and English).
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