10. June 2021

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Landbell Group publishes its annual performance report for 2020

“Despite the unprecedented difficulties, the world in which our customers operate did not stand still last year. More governments implemented extended producer responsibility (EPR) to tackle their waste and resource problems. Consequently, more companies had to stay on the right side of the laws that they introduced.”

These are the opening words from CEO Jan Patrick Schulz in Landbell Group’s annual performance report, which was published at the end of May. The major theme of the report, which covers the group’s activities last year, is the global expansion of EPR.

The report describes how Landbell Group is helping producers to tackle this increasingly international challenge.

In Europe and the Middle East, Landbell Group’s producer responsibility organisations treated over 760,000 tonnes of waste batteries, electronics and packaging last year – and the group increased its customer base to more than 32,000 companies in 55 countries.

The group’s environmental and chemical consulting teams added more countries to their international compliance programmes, and the global takeback team also expanded its network.

Online, Landbell Group relaunched its EASy-Shop for packaging compliance, enhanced its regulatory tracking service to cover more than 130 countries, and introduced One2One, a digital platform for online retailers to meet their takeback obligations for WEEE.

These are just some of the ways that Landbell Group is striving to support its customers in all their markets. For more information, read the full report here.

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