21. June 2021

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Recyclable packaging is key to a functioning circular economy. By keeping important raw materials in the loop, we can actively contribute to climate and resource protection.

As an environmental and waste disposal specialist, Landbell began offering its customers professional support for evaluating and optimising the recyclability of their packaging in 2020 with PACK2RECYCLE.

Now, since 1 June 2021, Landbell customers are able to register free of charge with the PACK2RECYCLE online tool to receive initial feedback on their packaging’s recyclability.

The online tool, which was developed by Landbell, provides a simple query mask in which customers can enter their packaging data, such as material type, colour and size. The tool then generates a report which shows the recyclability of the packaging.

An overview page gives customers constant access to all the packaging that they entered, including the result of the recyclability. However, the tool provides only an estimate of the recyclability and cannot not replace a professional assessment based on the minimum standard of the Central Packaging Register (ZSVR).

For a more detailed assessment according to the ZSVR minimum standard or for certification with the PACK2RECYCLE label, please contact us.

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